Best of West Hartford Goes Virtual

Published On: March 15, 2022Categories: Business, Happenings, Lifestyle

The Best of West Hartford event scheduled for March 21 will now be held as a virtual event.


The good news is … the Seventh Annual Best of West Hartford celebration is still on, with one change.

Scheduled to be held Monday, March 21, at 5:30 p.m., the presentation of top awards to West Hartford’s most popular businesses was slated to take place at a festive ceremony at the Mandell JCC on Bloomfield Avenue. But miles and miles of sticky red tape made the in-person event unfeasible at this time. And so, regrettably, organizers of the highly anticipated ceremony were forced to consider canceling the event.

Or maybe not.

“We just couldn’t bring ourselves to disappoint so many of our town’s residents and businesses, who have been through so much over the pandemic, which has had us all in its grip these past two years,” noted Tom Hickey, president of 2020/Media and coordinator of the Best of West Hartford awards. 

“We’ve had to cancel the event twice over the course of the past two years,” he added. “But now, we’re in a position to finally join together, not only to celebrate the very best our town has to offer, but also to help these local enterprises regain their footing by giving them a much needed boost. We just couldn’t let anything get in the way of that goal.”

And so, in the spirit of “the show must go on,” Hickey and his team decided to cancel the live event, and instead take the show virtual.

Now, those wishing to watch their friends and neighbors, and their favorite businesses, take home awards can still do so from the comfort of their own home this Monday, March 21, from 6-7 p.m. (See the link included below.)

“After all,” said Hickey, “the Town of West Hartford and 20/20 Media share a common goal: We are both committed to ensuring the continued health and well being of our town, and what better way to accomplish that than by promoting the growth of our local businesses, which is precisely what the Best of West Hartford event does.”

Please contact Tom Hickey, 20/20 Media, with any questions: [email protected].


Hillary Sarrasin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 7th Annual Best of West Hartford Awards!

Time: Mar 21, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 5034 7109

Passcode: 592212

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