‘Big Wheel Derby’ at JCC in West Hartford Will Support Alyssa’s Angel Fund

Published On: October 4, 2018Categories: Happenings, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Scene from the JCC's Big Wheel Derby in 2017. Submitted photo

The Glycogen Storage Disease team from UConn Health will also attend the 10th Annual Big Wheel Derby to benefit Alyssa’s Angel Fund on Sunday at the Mandell JCC in West Hartford.

Submitted by Michelle Bonner, Director of Marketing, Mandell JCC

Bring your trike or your bike and ride for the cause this Sunday, Oct. 7, from 4-5:30 p.m., in the 10th Annual Big Wheel Derby, a fundraiser to support Alyssa’s Angel Fund, which helps children with a rare genetic disease.

Highlights of the day will include races for younger and older kids, crafts and a chance to meet the Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) team from Connecticut Children’s Medical Center/UConn Health.

In 2006, Alyssa’s Angel Fund was created by Gayle and Steve Temkin in honor of their daughter Alyssa who was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, that most often affects the Jewish population, called Glycogen Storage Disease, type 1a (GSD), resulting in her body being unable to store glycogen like most people.

There are many families who have children with GSD1a who can’t afford medical care, which is why Alyssa’s Angel Fund was established. Gayle and Steve heard Dr. David Weinstein (or Doc David as Alyssa calls him) speak with a family whose child was struggling and was possibly not going to survive. They could not let that happen.

Alyssa’s Angel Fund helps less fortunate children around the world with this rare disease get the medical attention they need. Gayle and Steve Temkin made it their personal mission to be sure that everyone who needs help is able to get the medical expertise of Doc David, all expenses paid, for themselves and their families. The incredible GSD team will be on site to support this event and meet folks in the community.

Registration is $20 per family, and contributions to Alyssa’s Angel Fund are greatly appreciated. For more information about the Big Wheel Derby, or to register, call 860-236-4571, or visit www.mandelljcc.org.

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