Dietitian’s Corner: Re-Resolute Your Goals
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Registered Dietitian Shana Griffin offers health and wellness services at ShopRite of West Hartford. Submitted photo
Shana Griffin, registered dietitian for the ShopRite of West Hartford, shares some tips for keeping your ‘get healthy’ resolutions by setting manageable goals.

Registered Dietitian Shana Griffin offers health and wellness services at ShopRite of West Hartford. Submitted photo
This time of year people often pledge to go on a diet, to lose weight, and to exercise more. We promise ourselves we’ll eat healthier, including more fruits and veggies, reduce portion sizes and cut back on processed food, sugar and fat. All of these changes are very well intended and can lead to positive changes in your life, but making them all at once could cause you to lose your resolve before February.
The term “diet” implies eating behaviors with a definitive start and a definitive end, meaning whatever changes you would make on that “diet” would eventually come to an end, and you would return to your “normal” way of eating. In order to sustain long lasting healthy habits, any lifestyle changes should be slow, gradual and realistic. It is easier to install new behaviors than to simply get rid of old ones. Consider your current goals when reading these tips below:
Take one large and intimidating goal and break it into smaller, more specific and manageable ones:
- Instead of resolving to go on a diet, which is broad and vague, instead resolve to cook at least one new healthy recipe each week. If you are able to achieve that, then try increasing the number of healthy recipes, or servings of fruits and vegetables over the coming weeks.
- Instead of resolving to eat healthier, (again, broad and vague), resolve to try one new fruit or vegetable each week. Try preparing produce differently, with different flavors and spices.
- If you have kids, let them help you find unfamiliar varieties at the grocery store. Search for a new color: a lighter shade of green (such as Broccoflower), a lighter shade of yellow (such as a Batata), a new brown and white vegetable (such as Jicama) or an orange item (such as horned melon).
- Instead of resolving to eat more fruits and veggies, revise your goal to be more specific and measurable, such as, “I am going to eat at least two servings of veggies each at lunch and dinner.”
- Instead of resolving to eliminate sugar from your diet, think about the times you really struggle with your sweet tooth. A more productive change would be to stop keeping your “trigger” foods around the house so you won’t be tempted to overeat, or to make fresh fruit available when you are craving cookies at night. You can also replace sugar-filled coffee drinks and beverages with water or green tea at least four times per week to start.
- Instead of resolving to lose 10 pounds, try focusing on the behaviors that will get you there, such as taking a walk five days a week, or revamping your breakfast to include more protein and fiber.
- Instead of resolving to eat out less, resolve to take time each week to plan out your meals and snacks. This way, you will be prepared and not feel the urge to get take out, or go to the drive through. Being prepared is half the battle!
- Schedule one day each week to meet with your family for a meal planning brainstorm session. We have tons of great LiveRight Recipes at the Culinary Kitchen in the ShopRite of West Hartford, or you can search for LiveRight recipes on site to get started. Choose from several “dietitian approved” recipes and let the kids choose what meals they want to eat and participate in making.
- Instead of feeling frustrated and overwhelmed on your path toward becoming healthier, make an appointment for a free consultation with Shana Griffin, Registered Dietitian at the ShopRite of West Hartford. Shana will help you get started to becoming a healthier you in 2016.
Shana Griffin is the registered dietitian for the ShopRite of West Hartford. Shana has an office in the store, located on the corner of Kane and Prospect streets, and offers a variety of free health and wellness services, including one on one nutrition consultations, grocery store tours, weight management and culinary workshops as well as food sampling and recipe demonstrations.
All nutritional services are available to customers free of charge. To make an appointment, customers can call Shana at 860-233-1713 or e-mail her at [email protected]. For her latest happenings at the store, follow Joseph Family Markets on Facebook:
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