Emanuel Synagogue Announces New Director of Congregational Learning

Published On: June 9, 2015Categories: People, Reader Contributed

Kate Goldman. Submitted photo

Kate Goldman will fill the new role at the West Hartford synagogue.

Kate Goldman. Submitted photo

Kate Goldman. Submitted photo

Submitted by Emaneul Synagogue

The Emanuel Synagogue has chosen Kate Goldman as its first Director of Congregational Learning. This newly updated position represents the congregation’s shift in emphasis from primarily educating children to recognizing all congregants as life-long learners. Providing engaging and inspiring life-long Jewish learning that speaks to 21st century Jews with depth and meaning is a core mission of The Emanuel Synagogue.

Ms. Goldman is “excited to bring my passion for life-long Jewish learning to The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford.” As the multi-generational community’s new Director of Congregational Learning, Ms. Goldman will direct the Synagogue’s award winning religious school, pre-school and young families programming as well as take a leadership role in teen and adult learning, Shabbat and holiday religious programming for children and families, family enrichment and inclusion.

Ira Henowitz, Synagogue President, is pleased to announce Ms. Goldman’s appointment after an extensive nationwide search led by Emanuel member co-chairs Becky Azia and Dr. Regina Miller and a committee representing all segments of the 96-year-young, congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

Mr. Henowitz said, “Kate joins our purpose driven sacred community with impressive credentials, significant experience as well as lots of joyful energy and enthusiasm.”

Ms. Goldman will relocate with her husband Rich from California where she recently served as Director of Education at Congregation Sinai in San Jose. She will start her new position in early July.

Ms. Goldman shared with her new congregation that, “I look forward to enhancing the already thriving religious school by invigorating the curriculum with lessons that are student driven and experiential. I also look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know the Greater Hartford community.”

Rabbi David Small, spiritual leader of The Emanuel Synagogue, expressed enthusiasm for the congregation’s new Director of Congregational Learning. “Kate Goldman brings impressive knowledge, commitment, passion and energy to our Emanuel leadership team. We are looking forward to the coming years as a time of innovation, engagement, accomplishment and fun. Kate will be an energetic leader and partner in the work ahead.”

For more information on The Emanuel Synagogue, please contact Myra Emrick, Synagogue Administrator at 860-236-1275, [email protected] or visit www.emanuelsynagogue.org.

A leading, vibrant egalitarian congregation, The Emanuel Synagogue empowers its members to seek a meaningful and robust path to Jewish values for everyday living. Our down-to-earth ambience is a welcome respite from the social pressures of suburban life. We strive to be a caring and inclusive twenty-first century Jewish community of meaning, relationships and sacred purpose. 


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