Faxon Poets Will Celebrate New Collection at West Hartford Library
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Noah Webster Library. Photo credit: Ronni Newton (we-ha.com file photo)
The Faxon Poets will host West Hartford’s Poet Laureate and read selections from the group’s new Chapbook at the Noah Webster Library.

Noah Webster Library. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Come and join the Faxon Poets in celebrating the publication of their 10th Chapbook, PERSPECTIVES X, at a Poetry Reading and Publication Party at the Noah Webster Library on Sunday, April 24, at 1:30 p.m. The free event will be hosted by Tom Nicotera and will include a special appearance by West Hartford’s Poet Laureate Christine Beck. This wonderfully eclectic, energetic, and cohesive group provides a satisfying experience for poets and non-poets alike.
The Faxon Poets include: Robert Balay, JoAnne Bauer, Joyce Bogdan, Francis Cheng, Pamela Guinan, Cheryl Anne Hale, Andrew Hook, Jerome Howard, Lynn Hunter, Camilla Donahue Hynes, Dolores Lawler, Mairead Siobhan Lazarus, Marcia Lewis, June Sidran Mandelkern, Ray Marafino, David May, Carol McCumber, David Mello, Melody Moore, Steve Olechna, Garrett Phelan, Thomas L. L. Hercules Strong, and Andy Weil.
The event is sponsored by the Friends of the West Hartford Public Library.
The Noah Webster Library is located at 20 South Main Street in West Hartford, Ct. Free parking is available in the Isham Garage.
For more information, please call the reference desk at 860-561-6990 or visit http://bit.ly/faxonpoets24april.