Hall High School Senior Prom: Photo Gallery

Published On: June 4, 2023Categories: Schools

Thanks to Nicole Moleti, Kat Schwartz, Joy Wright, Michael Mack, Yelena Pasternak, Tanya DeMattia, Stefanie Marco Lantz, and Anna Rojek! We’d be glad to share more if you email them to [email protected].

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Joy Wright

By Ronni Newton

West Hartford’s Hall High School held its Senior Prom on Saturday night, June 3, 2023, at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield.

While Saturday’s weather was a bit gray and chilly, that didn’t stop prom-goers from posing for outdoor photo sessions at homes, Elizabeth Park, Wampanoag, and other locations throughout West Hartford before the official gala began.

There are many photos posted on Facebook, but you can share them on We-Ha.com, too. Please email any photos you would like added to this gallery to Ronni Newton at [email protected].

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Kat Schwartz

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Kat Schwartz

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Kat Schwartz

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Nicole Moleti

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Nicole Moleti

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Nicole Moleti

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Nicole Moleti

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Joy Wright

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Joy Wright

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Michael Mack

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Michael Mack

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Michael Mack

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Michael Mack

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Yelena Pasternak

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Yelena Pasternak

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Yelena Pasternak

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Yelena Pasternak

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Tanya DeMattia

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Tanya DeMattia

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Tanya DeMattia

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Tanya DeMattia

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Tanya DeMattia

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Stefanie Marco Lantz

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Stefanie Marco Lantz

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Stefanie Marco Lantz

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Courtesy photo

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Anna Rojek

Hall High School Senior Prom. June 3, 2023. Photo courtesy of Anna Rojek

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