Hall High School Student Wins Prestigious Rensselaer Medal

Published On: August 30, 2018Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

Sasha Lioutikova. Courtesy photo

Sasha Lioutikova, now a senior at West Hartford’s Hall High School, was presented with the Rensselaer Medal, which recognizes promising students who excel in math and science.


For more than 100 years, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in conjunction with high schools around the world, has awarded the Rensselaer Medal and scholarship to promising high school juniors who have distinguished themselves in mathematics and science. Rensselaer is pleased to announce the 2018 winners of the Rensselaer Medal.

Alexandra (Sasha) Lioutikova, who hails from West Hartford, CT, is this year’s honoree. Sasha is a student enrolled at William Hall High School.

“The Rensselaer Medal is a wonderful way to pay tribute to the high school students who have achieved excellence in math and science,” said Karen Long, Director of Undergraduate Admissions. “As we do so, we are aware that these early achievements, as impressive as they are, mark only one milestone on their future journeys of commitment to hard work, drive, focus, and collaborations. The Rensselaer Medal winners represent the next generation of leaders, scientists, innovators, artists, scholars, game designers, architects, humanitarians, and entrepreneurs.”

The Rensselaer Medal was first presented in 1916 with two purposes: to recognize the superlative academic achievement of young men and women, and to motivate students toward careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

The medal, the oldest prize of its kind in the United States, is awarded at more than 5,000 high schools throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. There are 233 Medalists currently enrolled in the freshman class at Rensselaer.

Each participating high school is allowed to select one member of the junior class to be honored with the Rensselaer Medal Award. The responsibility for designating the Rensselaer Medalist belongs to faculty and staff within the secondary school.

The merit scholarship, with a value of $25,000 per year, is guaranteed for four years (five years for the Bachelor of Architecture program) for each medalist who is accepted and enrolls at Rensselaer.

This year, the Rensselaer Medalist Open House will be held on Saturday, Sept. 8, on the Rensselaer campus. Students and their families will have an opportunity to tour the campus, explore the labs, learn about current research and academic programs, speak with Rensselaer faculty and students, and discover what campus life is like at Rensselaer.

For more information, contact the Medal Program in the Office of Admissions. at 518- 276-6216 or via email at [email protected].

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