Hall Students Take Second Place in ‘Teen Safe Driving’ Video Contest

Published On: April 8, 2016Categories: Schools

Students from West Hartford’s Hall High School had two submissions in the top 10 in this year’s contest.

By Ronni Newton

The winners of the 2016 DMV-Travelers Teen Safe Driving Video Contest were announced recently, and West Hartford’s Hall High School had its best results ever – with one team’s video taking second place and a second team also finishing in the top 10.

The theme for this year’s contest was “When Shifting into Drive, Keep the Safety of Others in Mind!” and students were tasked with creating a 25-second public service announcement with that message. A total of 89 videos were submitted from schools throughout the state.

The video created by Hall student director Jake Gershon and the team of Nicholas Doelger, Sean Farley, Adrienne La Forte, and Michael Li placed second in the contest, and won a $4,000 prize for Hall High School. To view the award winning video (also at the top of the article) on YouTube, click here.

Hall graphics and video students Sam Fiske, Peter Figgie, Trevon Graham, and Paul Van Doren  were also awarded a spot in the top 10 after screenings were finished. Click here to see their video on YouTube.

A team from Weston High School was awarded first place, and also won the multicultural award.

“Getting the message of safe driving to our youngest and most inexperienced drivers is critical to keep them safe behind the wheel,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said in a news release. “Contests like these engage teens in a positive way to develop safe habits while driving.  I would like to congratulate and thank all of the students and schools who participated this year.”

“These videos continue to send very powerful and persuasive messages to all drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. In its eighth year, the DMV-Travelers Teen Safe Driving Video Contest creates a significant impact on our young drivers,” said Atty. Gen. George Jepsen in the release. “These students have always done excellent work in trying to caution fellow students to stay safe behind the wheel and this contest is well-deserved recognition for their efforts.”

The theme for this year’s contest was created by five student advisors, with the goal of sending the message that teens “should practice selfless driving, and be conscious of drivers as well as the environment around them.”

A total of $15,000 in cash prizes was awarded by Travelers, which co-sponsored the contest with the DMV.

All of the videos can be viewed on DMV’s YouTube site at: http://www.youtube.com/teensafedriving12

The DMV started the contest following its lead in crafting tougher teen driving laws (http://ct.gov/teendriving/laws), including longer passenger restrictions and curfews as well as increased penalties for violations and added training requirements.

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