Highlights from West Hartford Youth Baseball All Star Weekend

Published On: June 12, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Sports

Trophy winners include: Base Runner - First place CJ Baldini, Hall's Market; Second place John Gabinelle, Keating Insurance (not pictured) Golden Arm - First place Ethan Speranza, Hall's Market; Second place Noah Pryzbek, Connors Insurance. Home Run Derby - First place Will Fox, Knights of Columbus, Second place Brian Nammoun, Berry Insurance. Photo courtesy of WHYBL

West Hartford Youth Baseball (WHYBL) hosted its annual All Star Weekend on May 29-30 at Wolcott Park, with events taking place on Friday and Saturday.

Submitted by WHYBL

Major League Skills Competition

Trophy winners include: Base Runner - First place CJ Baldini, Hall's Market; Second place John Gabinelle, Keating Insurance (not pictured) Golden Arm - First place Ethan Speranza, Hall's Market; Second place Noah Pryzbek, Connors Insurance. Home Run Derby - First place Will Fox, Knights of Columbus, Second place Brian Nammoun, Berry Insurance. Photo courtesy of WHYBL

Trophy winners include: Base Runner – First place CJ Baldini, Hall’s Market; Second place John Gabinelle, Keating Insurance (not pictured)
Golden Arm – First place Ethan Speranza, Hall’s Market; Second place Noah Pryzbek, Connors Insurance. Home Run Derby – First place Will Fox, Knights of Columbus, Second place Brian Nammoun, Berry Insurance. Photo courtesy of WHYBL

The weekend began with the annual Major League Skills Competition on Friday night, open to all 12-year-old players. There were three events: 1) The Roadrunner – a timed race around the bases; 2) The Golden Arm – throw from center field to a target at home plate; and 3) The Home Run Derby – players competed in a preliminary round and then the final four advanced to the final round.

Winners were:

  • Roadrunner 1st place – CJ Baldini, Hall’s Market (13.81 seconds); 2nd place – John Gabinelle, Keating Insurance (14.00 seconds)
  • Golden Arm 1st place – Ethan Speranza, Hall’s Market (6 points); 2nd place – Noah Pryzbek, Connors Insurance (4 points)
  • Home Run Derby 1st place – Will Fox, KofC (10 Home Runs); 2nd place – Brian Namnoum, Berry Insurance (8 Home Runs)

Minor League All-Star Game

Minor league action. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com

Minor league action. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com

On Saturday, the Minor League All-Star Game was an offensive slugfest with the National League able to pull away from the American League for a 22-13 win.

The National League’s victory was aided by several of their All Stars, as they pieced together a well-rounded effort of timely hits, solid pitching and excellent defense. Leading offensively for the home team were Harry Nelson and Jayden Sgro. Ethan Tiffany also had an excellent all-around game at the plate, on the mound, and in the field for the winning team. On the mound, 10 pitchers combined to hold down the AL squad in the later innings after a furious start by the visitors.

The AL All-Stars started out strong with four runs in the first including a double by Trevor Tanis (1-3, 1 run) and an inside the park home run by Anthony Mangini (1-2, 2 runs, 3 RBIs). Each inning thereafter the comeback attempts by the AL were stopped by the NL. The AL was led by Tommy Baldini (2-4, 2 runs, 1 RBI), Drew Lewis (2-3 1 run) and Carson Raisner (1-2, 2 runs). Pitching for the AL was Anthony Mangini, Tommy Baldini, Tomas Martin, Matt Santoro, Conor Mangini, Trevor Tanis and Tommy Parker.

Major League All-Star Game

Longtime WHYBL volunteer Ed Czapla throws out the game’s first pitch. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, Rookiepix.com

Longtime WHYBL volunteer Ed Czapla throws out the game’s first pitch. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, Rookiepix.com

The Major League All-Star Game followed the Minor League game under the lights at Wolcott Park on Saturday night.

The game, sponsored by TD Bank, featured the best 36 12-year-olds in the League, matching the five American League teams against the five National League teams. Rob Gallo managed the National League team, while Joe DeLutrie managed the American League team.

The National League broke open a close 4-3 game with three runs in the 4th and five runs in the 5th on its way to a 23-6 victory. The NL slugged out 20 hits, including two home runs and four doubles while limiting the AL’s offense to just six runs on five hits with 15 strikeouts.

The NL offense was led by Jaedan Carrero (3 for 3, 2 HR’s, 3 runs) and Matthew Glassman (3 for 4, double, 3 runs). Jude Sargent (2 for 3, 2 runs), Brooks McConnell (2 for 3), Cohl D’Addabbo (double, run), Brandon Wolmer (2 for 3, 2 runs), Aidan Foley (1 for 2, double, 2 runs), John Gabinelle (single), Josh Liebman (single), Tyler Remigino (1 for 2, run), Will Fox (2 for 3, 4 runs), Tobey Siegel (double, 2 RBI’s, run), and Jackson Muskrat (1 for 2) also hit well.

Major league action. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com

Major league action. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com


Nine NL pitchers pitched in the game: Wolmer (1 H, 3 K’s), Liebman, Glassman (0 H, 3 K’s), D’Addabbo (0 H, 1 K), Sargent (1 H, 2 K’s), Kristofak (1 H, 2 K’s), Carrero (0 H, 2 K’s), Robert Schunder (1 H, 2 K’s), and McConnell.

The AL’s offense was led by Brandon Barnett (2 for 2, run), CJ Baldini (single), Patrick McGann (BB, run), Will Cullen (BB, run), Michael Barnett (BB, run), John Cashman (single, run), and Matt DeLutrie (double).

Eleven AL pitchers pitched in the game: Ethan Speranza, Desmond Nigol Mason, Noel Fagan, Cullen, McGann, DeLutrie, Brandon Barnett, Jonathan Morrey, Robbie Barrieau, Noah Pryzbek, and Cashman.

Prior to the game, the WHYBL honored 42-year League volunteer Ed Czapla, who also threw out the game’s first pitch. Czapla has held various roles with the WHYBL since 1974, including umpire, Major League manager with Talcott Transmissions, concession stand, and Jamboree day volunteer. Ed is currently a scorekeeper for Exchange Club in the Majors.

Participating All Star Players:

National League All Stars. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com

National League All Stars. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com

American League All Stars. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com

American League All Stars. Photo credit: Scott Caricato, RookiePix.com


American League National League
Manager – Joe DeLutrie Manager – Rob Gallo
Brian Nammoun – Berry Insurance Eric Labrie – AC Peterson Farms
Patrick McGann – Berry Insurance Brooks McConnell – AC Peterson Farms
Robbie Barrieau – Berry Insurance Robert Schunder – AC Peterson Farms
John Cashman – Blue Back Dental Dominic Brigantty – Exchange Club
Noel Fagan – Blue Back Dental Jaedan Carrero – Exchange Club
Reilly Cabral – Blue Back Dental Tyler Remigino – Exchange Club
Justin Goldstein – Connors Insurance John Gabinelle – Keating Insurance
Desmond Nigol-Mason – Connors Insurance Matthew Glassman – Keating Insurance
Noah Pryzbek – Connors Insurance Josh Liebman – Keating Insurance
CJ Baldini – Hall’s Market Jackson Muskrat – Keating  Insurance
Brandon Barnett – Hall’s Market Alexander Sarkisian – Keating Insurance
Michael Barnett – Hall’s Market Will Fox – Knights of Columbus
Matthew DeLutrie – Hall’s Market Griffin Macary – Knights of Columbus
Jonathan Morrey – Hall’s Market Jude Sargent – Knights of Columbus
Ethan Speranza – Hall’s Market Cohl D’Addabbo – Venora Electric
Garrett Brown – Talcott Transmissions Aidan Foley – Venora Electric
John Murphy – Talcott Transmissions Charlie Kristofak – Venora Electric
William Cullen – Talcott Transmission Tobey Siegel – Venora Electric
Brandon Wolmer – Venora Electric




American League National League
Manager – Ken Mangini Manager(s) – Chris Redden/Rob Hanawalt
Tommy Baldini – Beachland Tavern Jack Gunsalus – Dick’s Sporting Goods
Shane Bradley – Beachland Tavern JJ Hurley – Dick’s Sporting Goods
Matt Santoro – Beachland Tavern Harry Nelson – Dick’s Sporting Goods
Dylan Albanese – Harry’s Pizza Ryan Gothers – Effie’s Place
Anthony Mangini – Harry’s Pizza Brody McCarthy – Effie’s Place
Conor Mangini – Harry’s Pizza Jack Kane – Goldberg’s Bagels
Trevor Tanis – Harry’s Pizza Jayden Sgro – Goldberg’s Bagels
Tomas Martin – Joey’s Pizza Pie Owen Shiffman – Goldberg’s Bagels
Tommy Parker – Joey’s Pizza Pie Matthew Bates – Mr. Trophy
Theo Allen – Pepe’s Pizza Ryan Smith – Mr. Trophy
Zennon Briggs – Pepe’s Pizza Ethan Tiffany – Mr. Trophy
Drew Lewis – Pepe’s Pizza Tristan Baron – Sliders
Carson Raisner – Rizzuto’s Brendan Grady – Sliders
Camden Rancourt – Rizzuto’s Tyler West – Sliders


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