Letter to the Editor: The Campaign is Over, Let’s Get On with Governing

Published On: November 12, 2017Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I write in response to Chris Barnes’ Letter to the Editor (“State Budget is a Wake-Up Call for West Hartford” – 11/09/17).

In his letter, Mr. Barnes attacks West Hartford’s legislative delegation for not supporting the vetoed Republican state budget. He also criticizes the town budget for not including a massive and unrealistic proposed cut in state aid that never became a reality.

I do not understand Mr. Barnes’ continued fixation on state budget proposals that never became law.

Republicans and Democrats eventually worked together to pass an historic, bipartisan state budget that largely restored West Hartford’s state aid. Both parties should be commended for having put aside partisan differences for the good of Connecticut. The rest of the state has moved forward, and Mr. Barnes should as well.

I am also disappointed by Mr. Barnes’ refusal to acknowledge Mayor Shari Cantor’s strong advocacy for West Hartford during the state budget crisis.

To my knowledge, Mayor Cantor is the only member of the Town Council – Democrat or Republican – who testified before the legislature concerning West Hartford’s education funding. Together with our town staff, she harnessed hard facts and data to show that West Hartford is a diverse, middle class community. She also worked tirelessly behind the scenes, meeting frequently with both executive and legislative branch officials to make our case.

The campaign is over. Let’s get on with governing.

Dallas C. Dodge
Member, West Hartford Town Council

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