Letter to the Editor: Great by 8 in Favor of Full-Day Kindergarten in West Hartford
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To the Editor:
To the West Hartford Town Leaders: Great by 8, a program of the Bridge Family Center, is a community organization in West Hartford that engages and connects West Hartford families to resources and services, creating a community where young children thrive. Great by 8 has a core membership of 40 educators, parents, and early childhood service providers.
We believe that full-day kindergarten is a critical, cost-effective, long-term investment in student achievement. Every West Hartford child in every West Hartford elementary school should have access to full-day kindergarten programming.
West Hartford has been a leader in early childhood education for decades. Budget-driven cuts to kindergarten programming in select elementary schools is shortsighted, divisive, and detrimental to both our children and our community.
The attached document details research evidence and data in support of full-day kindergarten programming. Please carefully consider these facts when making decisions about our town and school district budgets for the 2017- 2018 school year.
Jessica Goldstein, Great by 8 Co-Chair
Jane Lehman, Great by 8 Co-Chair