Letter to the Editor: Re-Elect Chris Williams on November 7

Published On: October 10, 2017Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I write in support of my friend, Chris Williams, for re-election to the West Hartford Town Council. I am a life-long resident of West Hartford. Growing up in Town, I graduated from Conard High School and my wife and I raised my two daughters here who are also Conard graduates.

Chris, like me, grew up in West Hartford, graduated from Conard and is raising his daughter and son with his wife in Town. During his first term on the Town Council, Chris has been a voice of compassion for residents’ pocket-books endorsing policies that flatten the Town’s spending and ease the tax burdens on residents so that they can afford to stay in Town and provide a great life for their families.

This Town is a very special place with exceptional schools, beautiful parks and great libraries. But most of all, it’s special because it’s a place where people of all different social and economic backgrounds can call home. However, to maintain West Hartford’s unique character, it also must be affordable. Chris understands that it is the responsibility of Town leaders to make West Hartford’s budget affordable and sustainable. I am confident that Chris Williams will strive to reach this goal and strongly encourage all West Hartford residents to support him on November 7th!

Jack Monahan
West Hartford

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