Letter to the Editor: Support for Andy Fleischmann

Published On: July 27, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the editor,

I write to express my strong support for re-electing Andy Fleischmann as our State Representative – and to urge my friends and neighbors in West Hartford’s 18th Assembly District to support him too.

I’m proud to back Andy, because he has consistently and effectively fought for policies that reflect our values.

Andy co-sponsored the state law requiring coverage of essential health benefits that the Trump administration is seeking to strip away through repeal of the Affordable Care Act, including: coverage for pre-existing conditions, coverage of key procedures for women, teens and children, and coverage of women’s contraception.

Since it was first introduced five years ago, Andy worked to pass the measure allowing “Dreamers,” i.e., students who came to our country as young, undocumented children, to attend state universities and access financial aid on their path to citizenship. He co-sponsored the bill that became law this spring.

This year, Andy continued the common sense gun control work he started before joining the Sandy Hook Task Force, making it a crime in our state to own or sell a bump stock that turns semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic machine guns.

He also advocated for the new law ensuring Connecticut will continuously monitor and address the effects of climate change on our coastline and environment.

In sum, it’s clear to me that Andy has been a progressive leader who has been at the forefront of doing what’s right. I hope you’ll join me in giving him your vote on Tuesday, August 14th.


Judy Casperson
West Hartford

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