Letter to the Editor: Support for Jillian Gilchrest

Published On: July 20, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor:

I am an attorney, a mother, and resident of West Hartford. I am also thrilled to support Jillian Gilchrest as the next State Representative in the 18th district.

We all know that Connecticut faces a crisis of budget and conscience. At this critical juncture, we cannot settle for “good enough” leadership or “more of the same.” Connecticut needs and deserves more and better. 

Jillian is a new leader with fresh ideas, passion, and energy. Her tireless advocacy on behalf of women and children in our state speaks for itself. As a board member of the West Hartford Board of Education, she worked to ensure that working families would be afforded quality early education; as chair of the Connecticut Trafficking in Persons Council, she wrote legislation and led advocacy efforts which resulted in state law that prevents the abuse of children; she has trained thousands of Connecticut healthcare providers to screen patients for intimate partner violence; and she has lead lawmakers from both parties to enact affirmative consent legislation.

As the next State Representative in the 18th District, Jillian will continue to lead on these issues and those affecting our community. She will work to fix our economy by creating structural changes in the budget, work on job creation that brings and keeps young people and families in Connecticut, and she will continue to act as a leader on social issues like prevention of gender-based violence, sensible gun policies, accessible and affordable high-quality healthcare, and support efforts to transition Connecticut to a clean energy economy.

On August 14th, Democrats in the 18th district will have a choice to pick a leader with fresh ideas and the training and disposition to make things happen. For more information Ms. Gilcrest’s campaign, please visit: Gilchrest2018.com.

Elizabeth Small
West Hartford

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