Letter to the Editor: Support for Mary Fay

Published On: October 31, 2017Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

We-Ha.com welcomes Letters to the Editor from the public, including endorsements, but letters submitted by political candidates within 60 days of an election will not be published. Please provide your name and town, as well as your phone number at the end of the letter. Phone numbers will not be published but are required in case verification is needed. Please submit letters to [email protected].

Dear Fellow Residents,

We are one week away from selecting new leaders for our town. We need new leaders to help us create a new path. A path that ensures stronger financial stability and allows us to thrive in the future.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Mary Fay for the past 15 plus years. Mary is the type of person we need on the Town Council. She brings a wealth of business and financial acumen along with a passion for helping people. Her distinguished career in the Financial Services industry has prepared her to help lead our town to better a better path and helping all of West Hartford.

This is why I’m supporting Mary’s candidacy for Town Council. I hope you will join me in voting for Mary on November 7th.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Merritt
West Hartford

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