Letter: Hold Those Who Aid and Abet Gun Violence Accountable
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To the Editor:
We all grieve with the parents and community of Uvalde even as we still freshly grieve the murderous shootings in Buffalo. Yet, as a nation, we still do not take even the commonsense steps that a majority of Americans support.
Congratulations to Beto O’Rourke for calling B.S. directly to the face of the Governor of Texas. Those who aid and abet epidemic gun violence must be held accountable. Perhaps, sad to say, it’s also time to see the actual images of what it looks like when a child is butchered with a high caliber, high velocity, rapid fire gun.
This is not about hunting, target practice, self-defense, a “well-regulated militia” or any on the other bogus arguments. This is not about random acts of violence. It’s about being one of the most gun-obsessed, gun prevalent and gun violent nations in the world. Nothing in the 2nd Amendment justifies the mass-shootings, random drive-by killings, gun escalated violence, gun suicides, or lethal gun accidents that are so commonplace due to the civilian marketing of lethal weapons.
But wait, there’s more. Soon an activist U.S. Supreme Court majority seems ready to exceed any originalist arguments under the 2nd Amendment and yet again restrict the right of state and local governments to adopt reasonable gun regulation.
Kevin Sullivan
West Hartford