Letter: Kudos to West Hartford Police Department

Published On: January 5, 2024Categories: Letters to the Editor, Police/Fire, Reader Contributed, Schools

From left: Ofc. Lauren Rieger, Morley Social Worker Sharon Mogel, Ofc. Kenny Stebbins, Ofc. Pete Kisela. Courtesy photo

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To the Editor:

What would we do without our amazing WHPD?

Once again, Officer Pete Kisela has stepped up with his incredible team to coordinate multiple toy drives within town to support our West Hartford Public Schools for the holidays.  As a school social worker, we are beyond grateful for this help which provides many toys/gifts for our students and families.

In addition to Morley, they were able to partner with seven other elementary schools in town, along with CCMC, WH Social Services, a local daycare, and another private school. We appreciate how much time and effort this endeavor required, and Officer Pete along with Officer Kenny Stebbins and Officer Lauren Rieger worked tirelessly to ensure that the needs were met.

To say that we are fortunate to have such wonderful support is an understatement. Our West Hartford Police Department goes above and beyond, and we cannot thank them enough for all that they do for our community.

Sharon Mogel
Morley School Social Worker

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