Letter: LaToya Fernandez for West Hartford BOE:

Published On: November 2, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

We-Ha.com welcomes Letters to the Editor from the public, including endorsements. Letters submitted by political candidates will be considered for publication up to 14 days prior to an election and most will be published within 48 hours of receipt. Letters that contain personal attacks or include profanity of any type will not be published. Rebuttals to letters should be submitted as a separate document, and commenting on letters will no longer be permitted. Please provide your full name and town, as well as your phone number at the end of the letter. Phone numbers will not be published but are required in case verification is needed. Please submit letters to [email protected].

To the Editor:

LaToya Fernandez is the leader our schools and communities need right now. She is hard-working, thoughtful, dedicated, energetic, and honest. As a parent, she will make sure parent voices and concerns are heard. As a former paraprofessional and teacher, she will make sure the needs of school staff are a priority. In a moment when books are being banned and the identities of so many in our community are under attack, we need leaders of integrity like LaToya Fernandez. Vote for LaToya Fernandez on Nov. 7.

Kris Wraight


  1. LMM22 November 3, 2023 at 7:40 AM - Reply

    The ONLY books being banned from grade schools are sexually explicit or pornographic books. These books do not belong in grade school libraries. Why not tell the truth for a change!

  2. Steve Riege November 3, 2023 at 12:25 PM - Reply

    Specific examples of explicit books, etc. would make your argument more persuasive. Having actually read Fernandez’ statements, she will get my vote as a brave, articulate candidate who, I believe, will support ALL our students and families.

  3. marc smith November 3, 2023 at 1:39 PM - Reply

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