Letter: Please Support Tiffani McGinnis For Town Council

Published On: November 3, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed
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We-Ha.com welcomes Letters to the Editor from the public, including endorsements. Letters submitted by political candidates will be considered for publication up to 14 days prior to an election and most will be published within 48 hours of receipt. Letters that contain personal attacks or include profanity of any type will not be published. Rebuttals to letters should be submitted as a separate document, and commenting on letters will no longer be permitted. Please provide your full name and town, as well as your phone number at the end of the letter. Phone numbers will not be published but are required in case verification is needed. Please submit letters to [email protected].

Dear Editor,

I have been involved in politics for 70 years. I have worked on countless campaigns. Every so often, a candidate really stands out for me. In this town council election, Tiffani McGinnis is that candidate.

Tiffani is incredibly well-informed in all aspects of government. She is an indefatigable and dedicated public servant, always there to help everyone. In her interim time on the town council, she has already proven to be an outstanding addition.

Please join me in voting for Tiffani McGinnis on Nov. 7. She is joined by Mayor Shari Cantor, Deb Polun, Barry Walters, Ben Wenograd, and Carol Anderson Blanks.

Tiffani McGinnis will continue to ensure the high quality of life we enjoy in West Hartford.

Barbara C. Gordon
West Hartford

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