Letter: Reminder to New Residents to Register to Vote
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To the Editor:
Welcome new residents of West Hartford. In this time of so many important local and national issues, you will want to be sure you are registered to vote here. The Registrars of Voters webpage below has a wealth of easily navigated information such as where to register to vote, polling locations, and how to enroll in a political party in Connecticut. https://www.westhartfordct.
And, for any of you interested in connecting with a community of grassroots women activists, you are warmly invited to join your voice to the conversations at the monthly meetings of Progressive Women of Greater Hartford. (https://www.prowo.org/ )
Elizabeth C. (Elly) Vozzola, Ph.D.
Elizabeth C. Vozzola is a Professor Emerita in the Department of Psychology at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford.
This letter is basically an advert to register for a certain political party. However, it doesn’t surprise me as there is basically only one party for the “in crowd” in this town.