Letter: ‘Save Conny’ Team Thanks West Hartford!
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Dan Barstow shared this rendering of his vision of Conny "swimming" beneath Trout Brook. Courtesy of Dan Barstow
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Dear Editor:
April 11, 2023 was quite the day! A team of experts successfully removed Conny’s tail, transported it across town, and put it in temporary storage. Meanwhile, we’re making good progress towards its new home in West Hartford’s Greenway Park, across the street from Conny’s original home.
It was quite the operation, with a huge crane safely holding the tail, while the experts cut Conny’s tail loose. When we say Conny’s tail, we’re not just talking about the flukes. The tail section is 25 feet long! It filled the flatbed, and was quite the sight, driving down the street.
Of course, this is just half of the work. The rest, installing it in the Greenway, will take place this summer, after we have the permits and other details in place. When we install the diving tail, we envision Conny swimming away to explore the world’s oceans. For now, let’s celebrate this major interim step.
The media coverage was extensive and very positive. We-Ha.com sent on-going tweets throughout the day; TV stations gave live coverage; a cover story in the Hartford Courant; a drone camera monitored the event. They all reported on this as a success story – keeping the spirit of Conny alive.
So many people, including media, contracted workers and people just stopping by, spoke with heart-felt warmth about their own experiences seeing and marveling Conny, as children and adults over these past 47 years. See this YouTube video for the early history of Conny.
Yes, it was an emotional day. Of course we wanted to save all of Conny. But that was way more expensive and technically challenging than CSI could handle. So we felt that sadness. But really, the dominant emotion was celebration. We have saved the soul of Conny, and the vision of Conny’s tail in the Greenway, as if diving to explore the world’s oceans is quite compelling.
We especially thank the good people of West Hartford. You all hold Conny dear in your hearts. The Children’s Museum took loving care of Conny all these years. Continental Properties paid the full cost of the removal and transport. West Hartford gave us free storage at the DPW. Kingswood Oxford will give a significant donation to the install. The state has helped us review the Greenway site. Over 200 people donated through our GoFundMe page. We still need funds for the install, so please give.
And over all these years, hundreds of thousands have visited Conny. All have treated Conny with love and care.
So … a big thank you to everyone. And a big thank you to Conny, for filling our hearts with hope.
Dan Barstow, Cetacean Society International