Letter: Support for Deb Polun

Published On: October 29, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor,

I am writing to express my support for Deb Polun in her candidacy for Town Council. I had the distinct pleasure of serving on the Board of Education with Deb as Conard’s student representative for the 2021-2022 academic year, during which period Deb served as the Board’s chair for several months.

Throughout that year, I witnessed first-hand both Deb’s sterling commitment to her constituents and her remarkable discernment. She exemplifies a thoughtfulness and dedication to all issues that I both respect and hold as a model. Numerous times, when the Board was tasked with deciding difficult issues, Deb demonstrated that she perceives issues beyond their narrow political confines – and she is always cognizant of the varied interests she has been elected to represent.

When deciding whether to keep Conard and Hall’s historic (and controversial) team names, she clearly articulated the crux of the Board’s duty – to determine whether the names conflict with the town’s equity policy and whether we can “divorce” the names from their past associations. She understands the very real and immediate implications of policies while maintaining the integrity and foresight to effectively legislate.

At another point during that year, she championed keeping federal funds allocated to eliminate the pay barrier to high school sports. Insightfully, she pointed out that while WHPS would never turn a student away, we don’t know how many times the existence of any cost has precluded families from even examining the possibility of playing a sport: “we don’t know how many families that impacts, and this is just one way we can help ensure that there isn’t that barrier.” Her efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, but several residents informed me how much they appreciated the position. On all issues, her questions are searching; her comments are judicious and fair.

Deb’s resume consists of three decades of volunteer work and deep community involvement. From her ongoing work at the Community Health Center Association of Connecticut to her four years as Executive Director at the Connecticut Association for Community Action, she has demonstrated that her civic involvement transcends any elected position.

In a period when local politics are becoming increasingly vitriolic, my concerns are allayed by the knowledge that West Hartford has candidates like Deb. She commanded the respect of every member during her tenure on the Board, and she has my unreserved support as she seeks this new opportunity on Town Council.

Andrew Maglio
West Hartford, CT

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