Letter: Support for John Larson

Published On: October 27, 2022Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

Letters like this are political, but this one is also very personal. I have known and worked with John Larson for many years. I am proud that he is our U.S. Congressman and my friend. For all his leadership and accomplishment, he remains one of the most down-to-earth, caring and approachable people in government that I have ever known.

More important, his values and priorities are our values and priorities. Congressman Larson champions R&D benefits for the businesses that drive our regional and state economy – including his leadership on energy independence. He is a strong advocate for early childhood education and recently led the way in passing the nation’s first Family Medical Leave Act. Congressman Larson continues to step up as a fighter for women’s rights and voting rights. On the Ways and Means Committee, he fights for tax fairness and is the nation’s leading champion for reforms to assure Social Security will always be there for us.

As the Hartford Courant said of John Larson, “in a badly polarized Congress, he is more than willing to work with Republicans to get something done.” Congressman Larson has earned reelection.

Kevin B. Sullivan
West Hartford

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