Letter: Support for Kate Farrar for State Representative

Published On: October 24, 2022Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

It gives me great pleasure to write this letter of strong support on behalf of Kate Farrar for re-election as State Representative (CT-20th District). Ms. Farrar has served us well as an uncompromising champion for all individuals in our district. She seeks consensus and is thoughtful in considering new legislation. Ms. Farrar supports small business and start up ventures. As proof, she introduced and passed legislation to make the food truck health permitting process easier and more cost effective. This enabled development of our wonderful new edition to West Hartford called Gastropark. Moreover, she supports investment in workforce development and adult education, and tax fairness through expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

I feel compelled to speak out on one issue that is very important to me. As a pediatric subspecialist who cares for critically ill children, I am particularly impressed with her grasp of public health issues. She knows that we need to protect the general public while being sensitive to the desires of parents. Kate Farrar understands that one of the greatest inventions of modern medicine is vaccination against disease and she supports life-saving vaccination. Sadly, her opponent has posted very disturbing comments promoting mis-information on social media. That would be her prerogative as a private citizen. However, as a potential elected official, her comments are misleading and dangerous.

As fellow citizens, please pay close attention to each candidate’s words and actions. Words matter. If you want good government that works for you, then you need to elect responsible individuals. Kate Farrar is the right candidate. She deserves our support.

Scott R. Schoem, MD, MBA
West Hartford

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