Letter: Support for Leon Davidoff and Thanks to Town and Elected Officials

Published On: October 15, 2021Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed
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Dear Editor:

I am writing to ask West Hartford voters to support my good friend, Deputy Mayor Leon Davidoff on election day, Tuesday Nov. 2. Leon is a thoughtful and fair-minded public official. Working alongside our great Mayor Shari Cantor, Leon has helped to lead the town through the many challenges presented by the pandemic over the past year and a half. His pragmatic and reasonable approach to local government is a positive influence on the council.

Leon has served the town for over 20 years including 14 as a member of the Town Council and 7 years on the Town Planning and Zoning Commission. Those are all volunteer hours spent working for the betterment of our community. West Hartford would be well served by returning Leon to the council this year. Strong and experienced leadership is what continues to make West Hartford one of the greatest mid-sized communities in the Unites States.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our Town Manager, town staff, the Mayor, all the members of the Town Council and Board of Education and appointed members of boards and commissions for all of their service to West Hartford over the past 19 months. No one could have imagined the challenges that the pandemic would create for our town residents. By any measure West Hartford met each challenge and kept the community safe and vibrant. Thank you all.

Please remember to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 2.


Patrick McCabe
West Hartford

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