Letter: Support Roni Rodman for Board of Education

Published On: November 3, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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I am writing in support of Roni Rodman for Board of Education.

Roni is a 17 year resident of West Hartford. Her two sons have graduated from Hall High School and her daughter is presently a student at Hall. She served as president of the King Philip PTO for six years.

Roni has an M Ed. She has owned and run a successful business in West Hartford. This enables her to see both the education and business sides of running a successful school system. Also, among her assets are her common sense approach to things and a strong commitment to getting things done.

All in all, Roni has exactly the qualifications it takes to be a valuable member of the West Hartford Board of Education.

Lisa Tilum
West Hartford

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