Letter to the Editor: On Memorial Day Enjoy the Parade, Show Your Respect at the Ceremony

Published On: May 22, 2019Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor,

As Chairman of the West Hartford Veterans Commission, I join Mayor Shari Cantor in inviting all residents to attend the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Monday, May 27. It is a tremendous opportunity for our town to unite together and remember the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

The town staff, with the help of the Commission, has done an excellent job assembling the lineup for our parade. We’ll have veterans, soldiers, first responders, little leaguers, marching bands, and more. The parade is the most visible part of the day, but it is only half of the program. Immediately following the parade, we will hold a ceremony at the Veterans Memorial at the corner of Farmington Avenue and North Main Street. We ask you to join us.

The ceremony is when we pause and reflect on those who have sacrificed their lives for ours. At the ceremony, there are no distractions, and the enthusiasm of the parade has subsided. The focus is completely on our fallen heroes. For our children, it can be a great learning experience, and for everyone else, it is a moment of reflection.

This year, make your Memorial Day experience complete by setting aside time to remember why we celebrate this day, and join us for our ceremony honoring the brave men and women who have given us so much.

Thank you and God Bless America!

Garrett Sheehan
West Hartford Veterans Commission

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