Letter to the Editor: Support for Beth Bye

Published On: October 17, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor,

I am writing to support Senator Beth Bye’s run for re-election to the Connecticut Senate.

Senator Bye is an experienced leader and devoted community member. I remember the first time I met her, 10 years ago, was when she came to my daughter’s elementary school to participate in reading day. I had just moved to Connecticut and, impressed by willingness to come to an elementary school, followed her work in the Senate with interest.

Over the years, I have seen Senator Bye champion so many important causes, including protecting our environment, providing adequate funding for mental health coverage and health care for those with disabilities, promoting quality education pre-K through university, to mention just a few. She did all this with great humanity and compassion.

One time, while running behind her in a race on Thanksgiving morning, I was surprised to see someone starting running alongside her asking questions about policy. Never a day’s rest! Senator Bye continued running and talking, not the least bit annoyed by this interruption on one of her few days off.

I strongly urge my fellow citizens to cast a vote for Beth Bye on Nov. 6!


Judy Wyman Kelly
West Hartford, CT

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