Letter to the Editor: Support for Kate Farrar

Published On: July 29, 2020Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I can’t wait to cast my vote for Kate Farrar, a community champion, to be State Representative for the 20th District in West Hartford.

Kate’s desire to take on this role comes from her core: to make West Hartford and Connecticut a thriving and a more just place for all.

As a retired teacher, it is important to me that our next State Representative has a proven commitment to public education. Kate Farrar volunteers with the Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools and earlier in her career, she expanded STEM programs to thousands of middle school girls. Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated access to equal education, Kate will be the champion we need at the State Capitol for more affordable childcare and pre-K options, equitable funding, and access to technology so every child can learn at home.

Kate also actively supports racial justice in our community. Her presence at the Witness Stones Installation, the Juneteenth Celebration, and the dedication of the LGBTQIA flag in Blue Back Square symbolize her strong support for racial justice and equal rights in our town.

Kate and her campaign volunteers have crisscrossed the 20th District, reaching out to every voter. I am confident that, as our State Representative, Kate will take ideas and feedback from our community and lead us towards meaningful change.

Join me and so many other 20th District voters to enthusiastically vote for Kate Farrar in the Democratic Primary, either by absentee ballot or in person on Tuesday, August 11th.

Dr. Tracey Wilson
West Hartford

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