Letter to the Editor: Support for Mary Fay

Published On: October 17, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear West Hartford Residents,

I would like to urge your support for the candidacy of Mary Fay for State Representative in the 18th district. I have known Mary for a number of years, and first encouraged her to run for Town Council as I valued her financial expertise, engagement with our community, and passion for the issues confronting West Hartford. Being in the financial industry myself, I realized how important it is to have someone with her background willing to serve in public office, who understands the issues, and can implement needed reforms to address the unprecedented challenges created by the state fiscal crisis.

Mary has held several senior business leadership roles, including Senior Vice President and General Manager of Sun Life Financial, where she also chaired diversity and inclusion employee resource groups and served on Sun Life boards. She has served in senior executive roles at GE Capital, ING, and other financial institutions. She is a graduate of Skidmore College, with an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Mary has demonstrated that she can work in a bipartisan fashion with her peers on the Town Council. It is vital for current Town Council members to have representatives at the State from both political parties. For my entire eight years on the Council, there was not a single Republican State Representative or State Senator in office – no one to alert me to legislative issues affecting municipalities or allowing me to hear both sides of an issue. Solutions are often found in the middle and we need to work together to return Connecticut to financial stability. The Town benefits when all Councilors have access to information and contacts at the state level in order to achieve the best results for West Hartford.

Please vote for Mary Fay on November 6th to ensure that all your Town Councilors have a voice at the State Capitol.


Denise Berard Hall
Former Minority Leader
West Hartford Town Council

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