Letter to the Editor: Support for Mary Fay, a Social Liberal and Fiscal Conservative

Published On: September 26, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

Beth Kerrigan did not endorse or support Jillian Gilchrest during the primary. Beth endorsed Andy Fleischmann to represent West Hartford in the 18th district. Now, Beth is turning to partisan politics and attacking Mary Fay’s gay bona fides to support the candidate she didn’t want in the first place.

This is a perfect example of the extreme partisanship that helped get Trump elected. Extreme partisanship, to the right or the left, is hurting all of us nationally and here in Connecticut. Extreme partisanship is why Trump is in office. It is also why Connecticut’s economy has contracted in four of the last five years.

Let’s not allow extreme partisanship to hurt Connecticut anymore. Mary is running to arrest extreme partisanship and to find common ground in the center.

Attacking Mary by quoting only her partial answer on Face the State is right out of Trump’s playbook.  Here is Mary’s full response to the question, “Is President Trump good for gay rights?”: “I haven’t seen anything discriminatory come out of his administration. And I’m very proud to live in Connecticut because I think we have taken strides to codify the law where gay rights are protected. But we can’t give an inch on that, we can’t give a centimeter, we can’t budge whatsoever. It took us a long time to get to where we are. And I don’t think any backward step would be in anybody’s best interest.” That sounds like a strong defense of the rights and liberties we have here in Connecticut.

Let’s end the influence of extreme partisanship and support a centrist in Mary Fay. Mary is truly liberal on social issues and fiscally conservative, exactly what we need to fix Connecticut’s broken economy.

Ryan Langan
West Hartford


  1. Paul Jagielski September 26, 2018 at 2:19 PM - Reply

    You’re not helping Mary by attacking Trump (in an extremely partisan manner). She’s a fine candidate and by lowering the discussion into ad hominem attacks, you’re also lowering her chances of winning.

  2. Ellen September 26, 2018 at 6:59 PM - Reply

    I watched the show and others can hear Mary on YouTube. FacetheState. Strong values, fairness for all.

  3. Danielle Wu September 28, 2018 at 9:02 AM - Reply

    Finally, a socially liberal fiscal conservative candidate. Yay Mary! Thank you for running!

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