Letter to the Editor: Support for Rick Bush

Published On: November 2, 2019Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed
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To the Editor:

Rick Bush is a friend of mine, who is running for town council in West Hartford. When my friends are stepping to serve their communities, I simply support my friends because it is demanding to run for office. You have to put your name and yourself out there, but I do have full confidence in my friend.

Rick and I bonded around his staunch advocacy for people with disabilities to have the same rights and opportunities to live and work in their communities. Rick espouses equality, equity, and fairness for everyone.

Until Rick and I discussed his campaign we never thought in the 6 years prior to discuss our political affiliations. Why? Because it never mattered to the relationship. And it still doesn’t because I know him. So it is with that in mind that I cross party lines to support his run for Town Council.

Rick is a people-oriented, smart businessman who understands housing issues; the needs of children, people aging or those with disabilities; the needs of working families; quality of life in our communities; and most of all economic development that is sustainable that is meeting needs now while ensuring stability for the future.

Rick and his family experienced firsthand in October 2018, the effects of rapid economic development without the necessary environmental and infrastructure changes to support it, when there was a catastrophic infrastructure failure on his street which left 4 feet of sewage in his basement.

Rick has both the personal experience and the professional expertise that can guide West Hartford forward to prevent such infrastructure failures, and the unfunded liabilities incurred from delaying this investment from hurting your pocketbook or occurring in your neighborhood.

I’m asking for your support my good friend, Rick Bush for Town Council on Tuesday Nov. 5. See you at the polls.

Respectfully Submitted,

Beverne Cordner

One Comment

  1. Gary K Bullard November 3, 2019 at 1:32 PM - Reply

    We are living in an environment of political hysteria where politicians purposely use our differences as weapons. Neither side wins; the group that is exploited nor the attacked. In the gubernatorial election democratic candidates painted ugly scenarios of republicans as child abusing, minority hating misanthropes of every stripe. Rick Bush and other row B candidates can get us grounded again in dealing with high taxes (we welcome all; they just can’t afford to live here) and the increase in crime related to drug abuse (muggings on the east side of town and break ins.) Let’s get back down to basics, and KEEP THIS A NICE TOWN. Gary K Bullard

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