Letter to the Editor: Supporting Jillian Gilchrest

Published On: October 14, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

If you haven’t already read the Oct. 7 edition of the Hartford Courant’s front page article, “As More Women Run, They Find a Community,” I encourage you to stop reading this letter and go read that one.  In it you will find considerable supporting reasons why Jillian Gilchrest is the best candidate for the West Hartford House seat.

While an administrator in the West Hartford Public Schools, I had the good fortune to work with Jillian. I developed a respect and admiration for then and I still do today. That said, I wasn’t surprised when Jillian won the election over a 12-term Democratic incumbent. She is an ideal representation of what our country and West Hartford need moving forward in the political arena.

Primarily, for me, I came to know that Jillian is unafraid to do what is RIGHT, choosing solid values and integrity over partisan politics. She is a definitive truth teller, a person of such high moral character, that she consistently presents her arguments reinforced with solid facts, research, and an authentic understanding of the problems confronting her constituency. She has the distinct talent of knowing how decisions made in the present have long reaching future impact. Her attention to detail is flawless and, as such, reinforces her capacity to project ideas and issues in a manner that demonstrates both the measurable effects and ultimate consequences of the political decision-making process.

Like her colleague, Democratic Sen. Beth Bye, she has the knowledge and ability to stand her ground in a traditionally male dominated arenas and prevail with success and dignity.

While I am not a resident of West Hartford, my 30+ years served as an educator there, provide a strong understanding of what’s in this dynamic community’s best interests. Without question, both Jillian Gilchrest and Beth Bye are!


Dr. Nancy DePalma
Retired WHPS Administrator

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