Letter to the Editor: Time to Subscribe to West Hartford Magazine

Published On: January 24, 2016Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Hey West Hartfordites,

Marking our 5th Anniversary for West Hartford Magazine we are implementing a PAID SUBSCRIPTION base (as if you couldn’t tell with our ad campaign on We-Ha). It’s a big step for us BUT industry standards tell us this is the thing to do … so IF people don’t subscribe they will not receive a copy of WHMAG.

Of course this impacts the FREE distribution we have been giving our target audience. We have been honored to send WHMAG to you but simply put we can’t afford to deliver it for free any more.

The industry has also guided us to publish it on We-Ha.com and even though you can read WHMAG for FREE online today … that too is guaranteed to change.

We hope you agree that WHMAG is worthy of a corner on your coffee table by joining us as a subscriber.

If you have not received a copy of WEST HARTFORD MAGAZINE in the past we hope you consider being a subscriber. Other then buying a newsstand copy at Barnes & Noble at Blue Back it is the only way to guarantee delivery.

We are helping raise much needed funds for West Hartford Community TV and local business groups by donating $10 of each subscription to them collectively.

You will be receiving a SUBSCRIPTION POSTCARD in the mail or you can CLICK SUBSCRIBE here.

Looking forward to sending you our SPRING ISSUE.

Thanks in advance for your support!

Thomas P. Hickey II

President & Publisher
West Hartford Magazine

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