Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jillian Gilchrest

Published On: October 1, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I am writing to urge West Hartford residents to vote in the critically important election on November 6th. More specifically to vote for Jillian Gilchrest as our Connecticut state representative in District 18. As an emerging new voice, Jillian was quick and fearless to denounce the daily insults heaped upon democracy by the Trump administration. Her opponent, like most GOP candidates, has not done so. 

Jillian is not just an “anti” candidate. Because she is an eager listener and has spent her career in public policy, she has a multitude of ideas to help address the problems that we face here in Connecticut. While she is a voice for marginalized communities, she also recognizes the need for fiscal responsibility and new initiatives to make Connecticut thrive.

I am one of the founders of Indivisible Connecticut. Jillian was quick in recognizing us and other grass roots groups. She listened and shared her own ideas. She understood that this was a historic moment in which our American values were being assaulted.  

Addressing fiscal issues is important and Jillian has the skill set needed for that. Addressing  the moral issues we face is equally important and Jillian has the energy and compass for that too.  

As we approach the Correction Election, I’m buoyed in knowing that Jillian Gilchrest will not just be by our sides, she will be out front, leading on local and national issues.

Vote for Jillian Gilchrest on November 6th. She’s right for Connecticut.

Jim Chapdelaine
West Hartford

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