Letter to the Editor: Vote for Tammy Exum

Published On: April 8, 2019Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

Being part of a strong community means showing up and speaking up.

If you live in the 19th State House District, as I do, please join me in speaking up with your vote for Tammy Exum as our new State Representative on Tuesday, April 16.

Tammy and I have been friends for over twenty years. Over those years I have witnessed her dedication to our community as President and Executive Board Member of the Special Education PTA’s local chapter, as Vice Chair of the West Hartford Board of Education and as coordinator for the Parent Leadership Training Institute.

Tammy has the experience, as well as the heart, to represent all of us very well. Our community will be better for having her in the State House.

Katy O’Leary Bannister
West Hartford

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