Letter to the Editor: Why I Find Hope in Jillian Gilchrest

Published On: October 8, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

As a senior at Hall High School, I should probably be focused on applying to college, but, since June I have been spending my free time campaigning for Jillian Gilchrest.

At the federal level this has been a tough week. With Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, it’s hard not to be afraid of the precedent being set in our country right now.  But, every time I find myself overcome by that fear, I remember the courage that Jillian had to run. Jillian has the courage to stand up to those who have, for as long as I can remember, been tearing our country apart because of the way we look and the way we talk.  Whenever I get discouraged, I remember that across the country, and in my own community, women are stepping up, and I’m honored that I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with someone who will stand up for me.

My generation has been told we are the ones who are going to change the world; that we will correct the wrongs. But, there are  people – people like Jillian – who are actively working right now to correct those wrongs, to fix them today.

Voting is our superpower, and in the 18th district we are lucky enough to have a candidate who’s fighting for everyone, to oppose the frightening policies of our federal government, and for my future and for the future of all of Connecticut.

Being 17, I can’t vote for Jillian Gilchrest on November 6th, but I sure hope you do.

Siobhan Boyle
West Hartford


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