Letter: WeHa’s Weekly Litter Dump
Audio By Carbonatix

Courtesy of Julia Giolitto
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Courtesy of Julia Giolitto
Dear Editor:
It’s Thursday, and that means the weekly litter dump in West Hartford.
The blue-bagged Hartford Courant Community newspaper gets thrown from vehicles, to the bottom of all our driveways, once a week. If it’s windy, they blow around in the street. If it’s raining, they wash into the storm drains. Many issues decompose on lawns, the street, in driveways …
If you don’t want to receive this weekly newspaper, just send an email to the Hartford Courant: [email protected] Don’t forget to include your address. And you’ll need to be persistent!
Julia Giolitto
West Hartford

Courtesy of Julia Giolitto
We get those despite not having physical Courant delivery.
I have seen many of those on my walks and there are hundreds thrown in the street. I complained to the town and to the Courant since there is a town ordinance about tossing advertisements onto properties.
I cancelled my online Courant subscription due to their lack of response. I suggest others who dislike their practice follow suit. Eventually there will be a circulation number so low that even the Courant will notice.