MDC Releases Video Series to Bolster Consumer Education and Outreach Efforts

Published On: August 3, 2020Categories: Government, Reader Contributed

West Hartford Reservoir No. 1. Courtesy of MDC ( file photo)

The latest videos produced by the Metropolitan District Commission focus on understanding your bill and environmental stewardship.


The organization responsible for the drinking water and wastewater treatment services of more than 400,000 people in Greater Hartford, including West Hartford, the Metropolitan District (MDC), recently announced it has launched the latest in their series of short videos aimed at giving customers a better understanding of the operations and services provided by the over 90-year-old municipal utility.

The two new videos focus on water bill information and environmental stewardship.

“Most people turn on their taps to get a glass of water and flush their toilets without ever thinking about where that water came from or where it goes and what happens to it. We wanted to find a way to better connect with our customers and talk to them about the services we provide,” said MDC CEO Scott Jellison. “How often do you get a bill and wonder, ‘What exactly am I paying for? What exactly do they do?’ Our hope is that these videos will continue to answer those questions for our customers along with providing information on other projects, services, and activities underway at the MDC.”

The videos, each between one to two minutes, explore aspects of the MDC that directly affect customers. The animated “whiteboard” style videos cover topics such as MDC’s drinking water services, wastewater services, the Clean Water Project, what impacts water and sewer rates, and the benefits of an Integrated Plan to manage the Clean Water Project and sewer repair and maintenance activities.

“Our customers are extremely important to us.  We wanted to find new and interesting ways to connect with customers and towns, who we are excited to say responded positively to the first batch of videos.  We hope that the new videos will continue to engage our customers,” added Jellison.

The videos, currently eight in total, are available on the MDC’s website (, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media channels. All the videos are also available in subtitled and Spanish language versions. In addition, several MDC member town local public access channels have been airing the videos which have also been advertised in local digital publications.

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