Meet the Candidate: Beth Kerrigan
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Beth Kerrigan. Submitted photo is offering our readers the opportunity to meet the candidates running for election on Nov. 3, 2015.

Beth Kerrigan. Submitted photo
Compiled by Ronni Newton is offering our readers the opportunity to “Meet the Candidate” – designed to help them get to know the candidates running for office in the Nov. 3, 2015 municipal election.
Identical questionnaires have been sent to all major party candidates, and each profile received has been submitted directly to by the candidate or the candidate’s campaign management. The responses have not been edited but have been formatted to match our publication style. Questions left blank have been deleted.
As profiles are received, they will be published on under the “Government” tab. is not making endorsements of any political candidates but we are publishing this information in order to assist West Hartford voters in being informed and prepared when they go to the polls on Nov. 3.
If you are a candidate and wish to submit a profile, please return it by email to Ronni Newton at [email protected] ASAP.
Name: Beth Kerrigan
Age: 60
Party, position seeking: Democrat, Town Council
Family information: Married to Jody Mock. Together we have 13- year-old twin boys who attend Bristow.
Other occupation, if applicable: Self employed Small Business Owner and Certified Long Term Care Planner
Political experience: Member of the West Hartford Democrat Town Committee. Volunteer for local candidates
Other relevant experience: Commissioner on West Hartford Housing Authority
Why are you running for office? I am running for office because I value giving back to our community.
I work hard and I listen harder. I want to be sure your voice is heard when important decisions are made.
West Hartford is a great place to live – Time and Money Magazine ranked West Hartford in the Top 50 small cities for Best Places to Live in 2014.
As great as it is to read and hear all of the accolades bestowed on our town, for those of us living here, what is more important is how we feel about our town. Are our town councilors listening to us? Does our opinion matter to those making decisions? Am I valued as a resident?
As I knock on doors I hear one theme over and over from the people who live in this town. Everyone who lives here cares about our town. No one is shy about telling me what he or she think. That is a wonderful thing!
I respect differing opinions and want to work to be sure your opinion is heard.
What issue(s) are your primary areas of focus? Specific Focus towards Livability and Desirability with respect to:
- Continuing to offer top-notch diverse public schools for our children increasing marketability and values of our homes.
- Seizing on all opportunities that would benefit the residents of West Hartford born from Jackson Labs, Flatbush Rail Station, Gemini Network, CT Fastrak as well as new things to come.
- Ensuring that our residents feel safe inside and outside their homes and keeping crime low.
- Creating true work force housing for those who are just starting out as teachers, firemen, and policemen as well as those in retail, daycare providers and others who serve this community.
- Providing housing options for all those who have worked hard all their lives and wish to be near family and friends, as they grow older.
- Utilizing complete streets, which serve to incorporate safely and efficiently the various modes of getting from here to there such as walking, wheelchair, driving, biking as well as public transportation.
- Creating healthy economic growth so that West Hartford can continue to thrive while at the same time protecting our quality of life with open spaces, parks, recreation and entertainment.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing West Hartford today? Sustainability.
We live in a great town. Movoto Real Estate Blog ranks West Hartford in the Top 10 best places to live in New England. Our own Town website is a “ 2015 Best of the Web Award “ finalist along with Los Angeles, CA and a couple of other cities. We are the only Town to win.
We are a vibrant town where all different types of people as well as ages of people want to live. We need to keep our momentum going.
Our diversity makes us stronger but also creates challenges. We need to be sure that the best interest of our town is well served.
We all must ensure that every voice is heard in the decision making process. Difficult decisions require compromises. No one likes taxes or speeding cars. No one likes his or her hard earned money being wasted or misspent. No one likes to feel that his or her needs are being ignored.
We must make an effort to understand the where, whys, whens, whats,
Of every issue we face and work diligently to improve ourselves.
We must aim to serve the greater good of all of the residents who live here. We must maintain a climate that attracts healthy businesses. Our community serves many different people.
What do you feel differentiates you from other candidates also running for this position? I have never run for political office. I am a mother, a wife, a school volunteer and a concerned citizen of this great town. I know how it feels to be raising young children while at the same time nearing retirement.
Being the lead plaintiff in Kerrigan vs Connecticut that brought Marriage Equality to Connecticut, I know how important it is to fight for what one believes in.
I have been in teaching, manufacturing, and currently self-employed.
I believe my varied life experiences and my drive to do good will serve you and the Town of West Hartford well.
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Great article. Voting for Beth will be voting for a fresh voice and a listening ear! Let’s keep West Hartford great!
Beth will strive to represent the best interests of We Ha. She has been a contributing commissioner of the West Hartford Hpusing Authority. We will mIss her as she ascends to the West Hartford Town Council Beth deserves your support, as she will certainly support you…
Hi Beth, how do I get one of your yard signs?
Judy Englehart (Sherri’s mom)
Can’t wait to see what Beth contributes to our glorious town. With her passion, dedication, and sincere love of West Hartford she is bound to have a positive and lasting impact as a council member. If you know her, you’ll support her. If you don’t know her, give her a call and hear what she has to offer. Go Beth!!!
[…] Beth Kerrigan […]