NWC Students To Hold Event at Chipotle So Peers Can Attend Leadership Conference

Published On: October 15, 2017Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

Northwest Catholic students Dylan Rispoli and Elizabeth Vandal are raising money so students from high-need schools can attend the 2018 Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar at the University of Bridgeport in June. Submitted photo

Students from Northwest Catholic will host a fundraiser at Chipotle in West Hartford Center on Oct. 16, to raise funds for students from high-risk schools to attend a leadership seminar.

Submitted by Maureen Scudder, Northwest Catholic High School

On Oct. 16 from 5-9 p.m. students from Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford will spearhead a fundraising event at Chipotle, 966 Farmington Ave.

NWC senior Dylan Rispoli of Windsor and junior Elizabeth Vandal of Enfield are raising money so students from high-need schools can attend the 2018 Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar at the University of Bridgeport in June. 

Both Rispoli and Vandal attended HOBY Leadership Seminars and have gained a great deal from their experiences. They are now giving back to this important organization. 

Rispoli began his HOBY story near the end of his sophomore year at Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford. Rispoli explained how he learned leadership strategies at the CT HOBY conference and later attended the World Leadership Congress as the representative for NWC.

Rispoli loves HOBY’s goal. He explained, “I love the mission of HOBY, which is ‘to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation.’ I also love HOBY because of the people who make it up. The passion, empathy, and sincere drive to improve the world are common threads bringing us together.” During his second year at the Connecticut seminar, Rispoli was elected treasurer of the CT HOBY Alumni Association. With this position, he looks forward to making a real impact on the organization.  

Like Rispoli, Vandal’s story began as a NWC representative at the CT HOBY Leadership Seminar in Bridgeport. After she attended the state conference in June, Vandal raised funds to send herself to HOBY’S World Leadership Congress in Chicago. Chicago, she explained, was where her admiration for HOBY’S mission really grew.

Vandal commented on the lessons she learned from her time at the Congress: “My experience at WLC has given me a newfound sense of confidence and reminded me of the importance of values surrounding community, diversity, altruism, and presence.” Vandal said she learned more about how to be the best version of herself while helping others do the same. 

Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY), founded in 1958, is an organization whose mission is to instill values of leadership, service, and innovation into the lives of young people. Now Rispoli and Vandal want to help other students benefit from the HOBY experience.

To support this important fundraiser, please be a patron at Chipotle on Oct. 16 from 5-9 p.m. Show the cashier the flyer (image below), a copy on your phone, or simply tell him or her you are at Chipotle to support this cause. Chipotle will donate 50 percent of its proceeds to HOBY so students in high-need areas can attend the 2018 HOBY Leadership Seminar.

Eat at Chipotle October 16 from 5-9pm. Show flyer, a copy on your phone, or say you are supporting HOBY, and 50% of proceeds will be donated so students in high-need schools can attend the CT HOBY Leadership Seminar at the University of Bridgeport in June. Submitted image

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