Rob Levine of West Hartford To Run for 18th House District

Published On: May 23, 2016Categories: Elections, Government, Politics

Republican Robert Levine plans to challenge incumbent Democrat Andy Fleischmann for the 18th district state representative position.

Rob Levine is seeking the Republican nomination for the 18th House district. Submitted photo

Rob Levine is seeking the Republican nomination for the 18th House district. Submitted photo


Local real estate broker Robert Levine is seeking the nomination for the 18th House district from the Republican Town Committee. The 18th House district comprises a portion of West Hartford from the center of town heading north to the Bloomfield line.

“We are in need of fresh leadership at the state level. I believe Connecticut has the potential to be a very attractive place not only for my fellow citizens but for businesses of all shapes and sizes. In order for that to occur we need to make some changes and elect leaders who have the will to do just that and not just accept the status quo,” Levine said.

Levine, a 15-year resident of West Hartford with his wife Gayle and three children, is owner of Hart Real Estate and Hart Property Management Services, with an office in West Hartford Center.

“My focus if elected, would be on helping develop a balanced budget that would put Connecticut on stable footing in the next year and beyond. No more gimmicks to balance the budget, lets develop a plan that makes Connecticut a place where people want to live and retire and where all businesses, big and small, can thrive,” Levine noted.

“We need to cut taxes and also make sure that the core services that the state delivers are funded appropriately. It’s not an either-or proposition, the state can do this, it just needs to look at where it can be more efficient and effective with the dollars it spends. If elected, I intend to shine a light everywhere I can to help show how that can be accomplished.”

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