Sacred Music at the Red Door Will Present ‘Pipes Alive!’ in West Hartford

Published On: February 28, 2016Categories: Happenings, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Sacred Music at the Red Door Presents Pipes Alive! featuring Organist Kari Miller at St. John’s Episcopal Church in West Hartford.

Organist Kari Miller will perform at Pipes Alive! Submitted photo

Organist Kari Miller will perform at Pipes Alive! Submitted photo


Sacred Music at the Red Door is proud to present Pipes Alive! featuring organist Kari Miller. This unique half-hour concert will feature the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, as well as an interesting set of hymn-preludes by Dale Wood. This free, family-friendly recital will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 6, at St. John’s Episcopal Church in West Hartford.

At the young age of five, Kari Miller began her musical life starting with piano lessons. Years later, she began taking organ lessons and as a teenager, she held her first church position and gave her first organ recital. Miller earned her Diploma from The Curtis Institute of Music and holds her Masters and DM in Piano Performance from Indiana University.

Miller is currently the Director of Music as well as the organist at Central Baptist Church in Hartford, CT. Miller is also an active member of the of the Greater Hartford Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, currently serving as Dean.

Sacred Music at the Red Door, St. John’s Episcopal Church’s gift to the community of West Hartford, has two major concerts remaining for the 2015-2016 season. The series has helped to establish St. John’s as a destination for those seeking musical refreshment and excellence, drawing on the existing strengths of the choirs and guest artists, architecture, organ, location, and Anglican heritage.

St. John’s Episcopal Church is located at 679 Farmington Ave., near Prospect Avenue, in West Hartford. The church is wheelchair accessible and has ample free parking. St. John’s Episcopal Church is a vibrant parish, which comes together in beauty and grace to celebrate and share the gifts of God. We strive, with God’s help, to listen, connect, serve, and grow. At St. John’s, we seek to create and offer exciting opportunities to make spiritual connections with God and with one another. That offer is made to both members and visitors alike. The clergy and lay leadership of St. John’s hopes that those connections will be meaningful and lasting for each and every one of us.

For more information about this and other upcoming concerts, please visit; call 860-523-5201, or e-mail [email protected].

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