Secretary of the State: Budget’s Inadequate Early Voting Funding ‘Shortchanges’ Voters

Published On: June 6, 2023Categories: Government

The budget provides roughly $10,500 per town to support one polling location for the 14 days of early voting, which will begin in April 2024.

By Hugh McQuaid,

The two-year state budget package adopted by the House early Tuesday morning “shortchanges” voters by failing to adequately fund Connecticut’s new early voting program, Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas said.

“You get the elections that you pay for, and this budget shortchanges Connecticut’s voters, pushes the burden of paying for Early Voting on to our towns, and removes funding to educate Connecticut’s citizens of how they can register and vote to participate in our democracy,” Thomas said in a statement Monday.

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One Comment

  1. […] as part of the resolution (see PDF below) was formally accepting and appropriating the $10,500 grant for the early voting program that the state legislature provided to each town when th…. The grant will offset some of the additional costs, but will not come anywhere near completely […]

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