Sensational Spots in South America

Published On: March 8, 2014Categories: Real Estate

Discover the beautiful land way south of the border!
by Norma Spadola

Chances are, if I were to say “south of the border”, images of Tijuana or other Mexican border towns may come to mind.  But think big and remember South America!  Our neighbors in many of these southern countries have so much to offer travelers seeking excitement, ancient cultures, exotic flora and fauna, incredible natural wonders and breathtaking scenery, world class wines and cuisine, nightlife, shopping and so much more. Here is a sampling of what you can find in my favorite South American countries:

With only a variance of 2 hours plus or minus our local time, travel to South America means eliminating much of the jet lag we sometimes can experience when traveling.  Ecuador is a great choice for families with its exclusive treasure… the Galapagos! This archipelago of islands, 600 miles off Ecuador’s Pacific coast, was created by undersea volcanic activity some 6 million years ago. It is protected as one large National Park, comprised of 13 major islands and 6 smaller ones.  Visited in 1835 by the English naturalist, Charles Darwin, his findings inspired his writings on the theory of evolution. Many species of wildlife, like the blue-footed booby, is found here and nowhere else on earth. It is like exploring a living laboratory.  And did you know that the Panama hat actually originated in Ecuador? While good weather conditions exist year round, the prime time for travel is normally December to May.

Chile, known as the “Land of Fire and Ice”, offers huge geographical and cultural diversity along with a climate perfect for year round travel. Santiago, blessed with a cool Mediterranean climate, lies close to vineyards, ski resorts and the coast.  In contrast, Atacama on the Pacific coast is the driest desert in the world.  The amazing and mysterious Easter Island or Rapa Nui is the world’s most remote island with its massive Moais, huge carved stone figures whose presence remains an enigma.  Some of the finest fly-fishing waters in the world can be found in the Lake District of Chile.

The untamed land of Patagonia, near to the southern tip of Chile, is home to Torres del Paine National Park and Cape Horn and perfect for adventure seekers.   Nomads of the Seas, a small luxury expedition vessel, with its two helicopters, can take you to places that would otherwise be unreachable. Shopping in Chile won’t disappoint either. Chile is one of two countries in the world where lapis lazuli is mined, so be forewarned, the unique jewelry found in the shops may be tempting!

Argentina, the 8th largest country in the world is “The Land of the Gaucho”. Begin your travels in Buenos Aires, known as the Paris of South America, a sophisticated city, rich in European culture. Explore some of the 48 barrios (neighborhoods) like the colorful and artsy La Boca, or treat yourself to a private tango lesson!  Fashionistas flock to the elegant avenues of Recoleta where toney shops and hip boutiques abound.  From there, on the eastern side of the Andes, in a region of foothills and high plains, lies Mendoza, the largest wine producing area of Latin America.  At the end of a day filled with sightseeing, enjoy a world class Malbec with some fine Argentine beef at chef Francis Mallman’s Restaurant 1884. Opening soon in the area is the new Vines Resort and Spa and a “must stay” for wine lovers!  In San Carlos de Bariloche, a 2 hour flight south of Buenos Aires, in the Lake district, world class skiing can be enjoyed. With seasons reverse to ours, avid skiers flock there to follow their passion. Ushuaia, the capital of Tierra del Fuego, is regarded as the world’s most southernmost city so you may wish to check that off your bucket list too!

Too many countries, so little time (and space) but clearly, “South of the Border” means a wealth of great travel experiences await!

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