Several West Hartford Residents Play Lead Roles in KO’s ‘Legally Blonde’

Published On: February 17, 2015Categories: Happenings, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed, Schools

‘Legally Blonde’ will be performed at KO’s Roberts Theater in West Hartford.


Submitted by Kingswood Oxford School

“Legally Blonde,” the hilarious musical based on the movie made famous by Reese Witherspoon, will take KO’s Roberts Theater by storm later this month.

Elle Woods, the iconic blonde of the story, is a pink-clad senior at UCLA when her perfect life is turned upside down. Her longtime boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, dumps her to pursue his dreams at Harvard Law. Determined to get him back, Elle gets accepted, too, and follows him to Cambridge. After struggling with the students and professors, Elle learns she is so much more capable than anyone realized – and also learns the power of friendship, hard work, and discovering your full potential.

The show – which will be performed on Saturday, Feb. 28, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, March 1, at 2 p.m. – involves 50 students, on-stage and off, plus two real dogs!

Grace Gentile ’15 of East Hartford is Elle Woods; Ricky Ferris ‘16 of Farmington is Warner Huntington III; Casey Barter ’15 of West Hartford is Elle’s new love, Emmett Forrest; Sydney Legagneur ’15 of Windsor is beautician Paulette Buonofonte; Connor O’Loughlin ‘17 of West Hartford is Professor Callahan; Molly Sullivan ’15 of Manchester is Brooke Wyndham; and Carolyn McCusker ‘17 of West Hartford is Vivienne Kensington (Warner’s new girlfriend).

KO’s Joshua Feder is the director and choreographer, Rebecca Urrutia is the music director, Mark Kravetz is the technical director, and Viviana Lamb is the costume designer.

There is no charge for admission, but a suggested donation of $10 at the door will be accepted.



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