War-Chief Sports Council Will Hold Big Tailgate, Live Telecast of Games
Audio By Carbonatix
War-Chief Co-President Dennis Swanton (left) and Superintendent of Schools Tom Moore at the 2014 Tailgate. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
The War-Chief Sports Council, a combined Hall and Conard booster club, will hold its annual Tailgate fundraiser to raise money for equipment and other programs and also has arranged to have several games broadcast live on WHC-TV.

War-Chief Co-President Dennis Swanton (left) and Superintendent of Schools Tom Moore at the 2014 Tailgate. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
By Ronni Newton
Supporters of athletics at both Conard and Hall high schools will gather on Nov. 14 in the West Hartford Town Hall Auditorium to engage in one of their favorite activities: supporting their children’s sports.
This event, scheduled for the Saturday evening preceeding the annual Conard vs. Hall football game, won’t include cheering on the sidelines, however, although it should certainly be fun. The War-Chief Sports Council’s second annual Tailgate will include food, beer/wine, dancing, and a silent auction, all with the goal of raising money to support athletics at both high schools.
The War-Chief Sports Council was founded to continue the townwide cooperative efforts that the Hall and Conard community put together in the “Unite for Light” campaign, where $250,000 was raised to cover the town’s costs to light the stadiums at the high schools. The board has representation from both schools, and is looking to continue working together to enhance the experience for West Hartford student-athletes.
“The Tailgate is a ton of fun and not to be missed if you’re a parent of a Hall or Conard student-athlete,” said War-Chief Co-President Dennis Swanton. “We all know one another from playing together and competing against one another in various town leagues. That’s what makes this rivalry so special,” Swanton said.
Last year’s Tailgate fundraising targeted “non-turf” teams, and raised more than $6,000 which was used to purchase padded chairs with logos for the gyms in both high schools and to help fund the cross country teams’ competition at an invitational in New Hampshire.
“We have money in the budget for uniforms and equipment,” Athletic Director Betty Remigino-Knapp told a group of parents at a recent Conard PTO coffee. “This is for extras.” Remigino-Knapp said the work of the War-Chief Sports Council is very much appreciated.
The organization hopes to raise enough funds this year to pay for HUDL game-filming softwear, which would be used to film football, baseketball, wrestling, lacrosse, and soccer games at both high schools. The cost of HUDL, which is used as a teaching tool as well as to create recruitment videos for potential college athletes, is $8,400 for both high schools.
In addition to raising funds, the War-Chief Sports Council has arranged to have several major games/contests broadcast live – and available for streaming and future viewing – on West Hartford Community Television. Veteran broadcaster Pete Lamoureux will lead the play-by-play announcing and will be assisted by a production team of students. The Conard vs. Hall volleyball game at Hall on Oct. 29 was already broadcast, and future broadcasts this season will be Bulkley at Conard (football and cheer) on Nov. 6 and the annual Conard vs. Hall football game which will take place on Nov. 21 at Conard.
The War-Chief Sports Council also hosted a “Careers in Sports Night” last spring in conjunction with the Conard and Hall PTOs. The event, which was very well-attended, featured a panel of ESPN personalities as well as local coaches. Organizers hope it will serve as a model for career nights in other industries.
“Last year’s fundraising exceeded our goals and we look to build on that success. As importantly, the television production in association with WHC-TV is building more and more excitement with each event. We will also continue to sponsor special events like last spring’s ‘Career Night,’ which featured then-ESPN’s Colin Cowherd,” War-Chief Co-President Paul McConnell said.
“Come to West Hartford’s biggest tailgate; you’ll be empty nesters before you know it,” both Swanton and McConnell said.
The tailgate, scheduled for Nov. 14 from 6:30 – 10:30 p.m., will feature a buffet from Russell’s Creative Global Cuisine. Two Pour Guys will be serving up beer and wine (included in the ticket price), and a DJ. The event is open to adults only, and tickets, which are $50 each ($20 for Conard or Hall head coaches and their spouses) are available online at http://www.war-chief.net/tailgate.html or can be purchased by mail by sending a check payable to War-Chief Sports Council to War-Chief Sports Council, PO Box 270574, West Hartford, CT 06127-0574.
For more information visit the website or email [email protected].
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