Watkinson Students of West Hartford Students Present Capstone Projects

Published On: May 21, 2016Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

Watkinson Students, including many from West Hartford, recently presented their Capstone Projects. Submitted photo

The capstone projects are a requirement for the Global Studies Diploma Program.

Watkinson Students, including many from West Hartford, recently presented their Capstone Projects. Submitted photo

Watkinson Students, including many from West Hartford, recently presented their Capstone Projects. Submitted photo

Submitted by Watkinson School

Watkinson School, Hartford’s oldest coed independent day school for grades 6-PG, is proud to announce that 17 seniors and postgraduate students, including Jared Barlow, Thomson Heidenis, Rachel Katz, Sara Kozlu, Jon Pavlovich, and Sophia Volpe, all of West Hartford, completed and shared their Global Studies Senior Research Presentations, the final requirement of the rigorous Global Studies Diploma Program.

This capstone research project spans the entire academic year focusing on a subject of choice that relates to at least one theme of the Global Studies program. Themes include: ethics, globalization, war, nonviolence, the arts, religions, technology and its effect on culture, and the environment.

The process begins in the fall trimester with each student choosing and defining a specific topic and then beginning in-depth research using our Active Learning Center, the University of Hartford library as well as their own local town libraries. In the winter trimester, these students were asked to put the research to use and write a final term paper on their subjects.

The focus shifted in the spring trimester to sharing their newfound expertise on their topic with the Watkinson community by transforming their research and paper into a concise, engaging and informative public presentation.

Watkinson School is a co-educational day school for grades 6-PG. Founded in 1881, Watkinson is Hartford’s oldest independent school. 

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