West Hartford Boy Scouts Brave Cold, Snow, Freezing Rain To Practice Orienteering

Published On: March 24, 2015Categories: Lifestyle, Schools

West Hartford’s BSA Troop 163 spent a very cold March weekend in the woods.

Members of BSA Troop 163 are awarded for their orienteering skills. Submitted photo

Members of BSA Troop 163 are awarded for their orienteering skills. Submitted photo

Submitted by John LaSpada

You have four hours to find five points using one map and a compass – Go!

This was the challenge Scoutmaster Michael Stimson gave members of BSA Troop 163 the weekend of March 14 and 15 at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford CT, as the scouts braved the cold and snow to practice their orienteering skills as part of their inaugural Troop 163 Hekawe Race. The event is an important part of the Troop’s preparation for the larger Klondike Derby which is held annually in February.

The Troop coined the race name “Hekawe” (as in where he heck are we?”) based on the phrase sometimes overheard in wilderness races when a team loses their bearing along the course.

Members of BSA Troop 163 practice their orienteering skills. Submitted photo

Members of BSA Troop 163 practice their orienteering skills. Submitted photo

The Klondike Derby is one of the most exciting events of the Scouting year. Patrols of four to eight Boy Scouts pull their sleds over a field course to simulated towns, where the patrols can earn points by solving problems using their scouting skills. Challenges can include first aid, fire building, knot tying and lashing, orienteering, wilderness survival, and team work. Troop 163 recently competed in the Mark Twain District Klondike Derby from February 7-8 at the same location.

The race was the culmination of the weekend orienteering program, as the troop received hands on orienteering training from Mr. Stimson, and also completed several course mapping exercises as practice before starting the race.

Members of BSA Troop 163 at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford, CT. Submitted photo

Members of BSA Troop 163 at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford, CT. Submitted photo

“Events like the Klondike Derby and our Troop’s Hekawe Race allow Scouts to put into practice many of the life skills we teach in the Scouting program,” said Stimson. “To be successful, the boys need to thoroughly plan and pay close attention to details. These events are very challenging both physically and mentally, and provide opportunities for the older Scouts to practice and hone their leadership and decision making skills.”

All three patrols did very well, despite the rain and snow. This year’s winning patrol was led by Joshua Dam (patrol leader), Daniel Markham, Sean Dombrofski, Joey LaSpada, and Peter Brown. The team was awarded the inaugural “Hekawe” trophy which was hand crafted by Troop 163 committee member Marc Colbert.

“I love the Klondike Derby! It is a fantastic field test for every Troop’s newer scouts to demonstrate all of their outdoor skills,” said J.P. Cassidy, Troop 163 Senior Patrol Leader. “The Klondike is also an event for a Troop’s best orienteers and hikers to go head to head with teams from other Troops in an orienteering race.”

The troop plans to make the “Hekawe Race” an annual event.

For more information on Troop 163, email Scoutmaster Michael Stimson at [email protected] or visit their web site athttp://www.westhartford163.mytroop.us/.

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