West Hartford Democrats to Hold Food Drive

Published On: March 20, 2023Categories: Government, Reader Contributed

The West Hartford Food Pantry is in need of donations. Photo credit: Ronni Newton (we-ha.com file photo)

The West Hartford Democratic Town Committee will be hosting a food drive for the Food Pantry at Stop & Shop on Farmington Avenue on March 25.


Responding to news that supplies of certain high-demand items are in short supply at the Town That Cares Food Pantry (aka, the West Hartford Food Pantry), the West Hartford Democrats will hold a food drive on Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Stop & Shop on Farmington Avenue.

Residents are invited to donate nonperishable food items from the following list: baked beans, canned fruit/apple sauce, pasta and sauce, cold cereal, canned chicken and tuna, rice (1-pound or 2-pound packages only), peanut butter (16-18 ounce jars only), soup, macaroni and cheese. Gluten-free, low sugar, and low sodium versions of any of the above are also needed. 

Donations of cash/check will also be accepted. Cash will be used to purchase items from the list above while checks will be delivered to the Food Pantry. Checks should be made payable to the West Hartford Food Pantry.

For more information about the Food Pantry, please visit westhartfordct.gov/town-departments/social-services/food-pantry.

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